Israeli missile attacks render the airport in Damascus inoperable.

Israeli missile attacks render the airport in Damascus inoperable.

Early on Monday, Israel launched missiles against the capital of Syria's international airport, knocking it out of commission and killing two troops and injuring two more, according to the Syrian army.

The Damascus International Airport was damaged in the strike, which was the second in seven months to do so, according to the army, which did not provide any other information.

Israel appears to be trying to stop Iranian militant groups, including Lebanon's Hezbollah, from receiving weaponry shipments by targeting airports and ports in government-held areas of Syria.

An arms depot nearby the facility south of Damascus as well as the airport were reportedly hit by Israeli raids, according to an opposition war monitor. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which is located in Britain, four individuals were killed in the attack.

Israel didn't offer any commentary.

Infrastructure and runways were severely damaged by Israeli airstrikes that hit Damascus International Airport on June 10. After renovations, it reopened two weeks later. The international airport of Aleppo, Syria's main city and former commercial hub, was struck by Israeli airstrikes in September, rendering it inoperable for days.

Israeli aeroplanes fired missiles against the port of Latakia in the latter half of 2021, striking cargo and sparking a massive fire.
Israel has attacked government-controlled areas of Syria on hundreds of occasions in recent years, although it rarely admits or talks about these actions.

However, Israel has confirmed that it strikes the facilities of militant organisations with ties to Iran, including Lebanon's Hezbollah, which has dispatched thousands of men to aid Syrian President Bashar Assad's army.

The 11-year civil war in Syria has thousands of fighters who are supported by Iran, who have tipped the scales in Assad's favour.

Israel claims that having Iran on its northern border is a red line that justifies its attacks on Syrian facilities and arsenals

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