AAP: Manish Sisodia

Manish Sisodia: AAP Won't Let BJP Close Even One School in Delhi

Manish Sisodia, the deputy chief minister of Delhi, declared on Saturday that he would act as a shield in front of the children to safeguard their future and that he would not permit the BJP to close even a single school in the nation's capital. After V.K. Saxena, the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, requested a report from the Chief Secretary regarding the Vigilance Department's two-and-a-half-year delay in acting upon the Central Vigilance Commission's (CVC) inquiry report regarding the construction of additional classrooms in Delhi government schools on Friday, Sisodia made his statement.

"The Central government and the BJP are working together to close Delhi's government schools. The BJP can't stand it when underprivileged kids attend top-notch institutions and receive outstanding education "Sisodia stated during a Saturday media briefing in this location. "The BJP is wary of the Kejriwal educational model; if the country realises that schools all across India can be changed like Delhi, the BJP's concept of creating private schools everywhere would come to an end "said Sisodia.

"Over 72,000 schools have been closed in BJP-ruled states over the past seven years to make room for 12,000 private institutions. Between September 2018 and September 2019, 51,000 government schools were closed as a result of the BJP operating in "mission mode," according to the deputy chief minister.

Speaking more generally on public education, he stated, "It is the duty of the government to ensure that every kid in the country receives a decent education... It is our responsibility to give them every amenity. The closure of government schools by the BJP is unjustifiable. Government schools must be improved over private schools, which only serve 10–20 percent of the population, if India is to prosper. Simply put, we can't depend on them.

Sisodia stated that rumours are circulating that the BJP has abandoned the liquor scandal in favour of a fresh "jumla" of corruption involving the building of classrooms in public institutions.
"Earlier, they attempted to distribute false information on the excise policy, and earlier yet, they falsely said that the Aam Aadmi Party had received illicit funds. "They let loose the CBI on our leaders, starting with Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister. They then went after me. My home was visited by the CBI four years ago. Later on, they falsely reported 40 of our MLAs. But in none of the situations, nothing surfaced. "They chose me once more and made up the story about the booze fraud. The CBI returned empty-handed after another raid on my home. No matter how hard they try, they are aware that they would always fail, Sisodia told the journalists.

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