IMDA has interrupted The Web - based Citizen for failing to disclose financial support

IMDA has interrupted The Web - based Citizen for failing to disclose financial support

The Online Citizen (TOC) has had its category licence from the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) to operate its web site and social media streams delayed. In a declaration released on Tuesday (Sept. 14), IMDA claimed that the socio-political webpage has again and again disregarded its statutory duty to disclose all financing options ever since the centre of last year. According to IMDA, TOC must instantly stop trying to post information to its social media platforms and website and deactivate people by Friday at 3 p.m.

It also stated that if TOC carries on operating while in violation of the rules, action may be taken to cut off access to TOC in Singapore. According to IMDA, TOC's category licence might well be revoked by September 28 if it does not provide additional details to brought it all into ensuring accordance," and TOC's officers might also be held accountable for criminal violations underneath the Broadcasting Act. There is no justification for TOC to disobey, as other registered Online content owners do so in order to be open about one‘s financial support, according to IMDA.

One of the web sites that IMDA has designated as able to register Online content companies (ICPs) at the moment is TOC. The Independent Singapore is the other. Six-Six Headlines and The Mid Ground, two previous internet sites that had recorded as ICPs, are no longer active Such web pages, which offer content centred on Singaporean political issues and participate in online advocacy or conversation of these concerns, are obligated to disclose their financing options.

This is done, according to IMDA, "to make sure that there isn't foreign interference in internal politics and to inhibit such webpages from becoming governed by foreign entities, or starting to come under control of international organisations or funding."

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